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Schwien Dairy & Cattle Barns

Schwien Dairy and Cattle Barns, 1667 190th St., Clarence (Cedar County) – From Clarence, go south on Cnty X64, then turn left (east) onto 190th Street.

The beautiful Schwien dairy barn (Award of Distinction) was moved eight miles cross country in 1979 from the Cedar County Home Farm.  Original tie stalls and calf pens were put back in the barn after the move.  The barn was used for tie stalls only, next to the milking parlor which sits right next to it.  Two unique ventilation tunnels go from the first floor, thru the hay mow floor up to thru roof.  There is also a four bay cattle barn on the property which was built about 1900 using wooden pegs.  It was damaged during a storm in June of 2014. It was repaired with a matching grant from the Iowa Barn Foundation.

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