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Wingert Barn

Wingert Barn, 1389 Hwy 130, Tipton (Cedar County) – 1.5 mile east of Tipton

Bank barn is 36′ x 56′ with a 16′ x 36 enclosed lean-to on east end.  The barn originally housed milk cows, and it currently is used for a cow-calf operation and hay storage.  Original track and hay fork remain in place.   Farm has been in the Wingert Family continuously since 1897-1898, purchased by F. D. and Emma Wingert, son of Peter and Isabella Wingert.  Peter Wingert arrived in Cedar County in 1857.  The family has taken several steps to preserve the barn – added steel roof in 1994, repaired stone foundation in 2012-13, and added steel siding in 2014-15.  Recipient of the Iowa Century Farm Award in 2008 (Preservation Award).


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