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Membership and Donations

We welcome your support in helping to make Iowa an outdoor museum. To become a member and receive our bi-annual Iowa Barn Foundation Magazine, we kindly ask for a  minimum $50 annual donation to cover publishing and mailing costs.   The same form can be used for new members, renewing members, and for cash donations of any size.  Your donation is tax deductible!

To become a member of the Iowa Barn Foundation, or to make a tax-deductible donation to our preservation efforts, please print this form and mail check to Availa Bank or use the online form below to donate by credit card.  The same form can be used to renew an existing membership.

The Iowa Barn Foundation is a volunteer-led Iowa non-profit corporation with tax-exempt status under paragraph 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

You can also help the Iowa Barn Foundation by volunteering. Do you have a special skill that you think might help the Iowa Barn Foundation?  We need volunteers to organize barn tours,  serve as county reps, write magazine articles, document barn histories, take barn photos, submit articles to local media outlets, and help with fundraising.  Maybe you have skills that would help this effort.

Existing Donors – Click Here to Manage Account (subscriptions, payment methods, contact info)



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